Qi Gong -- Invitation to Defy Aging

Yi Shui Kong style Qi Gong by Teacher Lin Yang

The essence of Yi Shui Kong style Qi Gong (気功一水空) is instruction in proper breathing and posture that complements almost-magical moving meditation routines that simultaneously stretch and strengthen the physical body while tuning balance and mental focus.

With heritage from a secretive branch of the martial art tradition practiced by the Chinese Royal Family, Yi Shui Kong style Qi Gong is brought from Beijing to America by Teacher Lin Yang, who has adapted it to a modern world while remaining true to its traditional foundation.

A Flexible body is the essence of Youth

Yi Shui Kong stretches core muscles and internal organs.

Dynamic stretching Cleanses body fluid stagnation

Going a step beyond Yoga, Yi Shui Kong dynamic movement routines increase circulation while relieving stiff muscles and joints.

Good posture makes you look Beautiful Instantly

Bad posture accelerates aging. Yi Shui Kong adjusts and focuses the central energy of your body and spine for beauty-radiating posture.

Grace and vigor from Inner Strength is a foundation of Youth

Inner strength builds from the ground up. Vigorous and graceful movements require a strong foundation. Yi Shui Kong consciously strengthens lower limb muscles to provide this foundation.

Deeper breathing Rejuvenates cells and makes your Skin Glow

Deeper breathing renews all the cells of your body. This is truly making your own “Fountain of Youth.” It is an energy that flows through your whole body and radiates outward.

More Info

See www.zZense.com/knowledge/qigong for this and other articles about Yi Shui Kong style Qi Gong. And, see Teacher Lin Yang's Qi Gong Japanese language website.
