• Qi Gong -- Defy Aging

    Qi Gong -- Invitation to Defy Aging

    The essence of Yi Shui Kong style Qi Gong (気功一水空) is instruction in proper breathing and posture that complements almost-magical moving meditation routines that simultaneously stretch and strengthen the physical body while tuning balance and mental focus.

  • QiGong -- Essence of Yi Shui Kong Practice

    QiGong -- Essence of YiShuiKong Practice

    Can elegant Asian beauty, youthful vigor, physical strength and health, mental powers of concentration and imagination, and a calming state of mind all be achieved through the ancient Chinese practice of Qi Gong?

  • YiShuiKong QiGong -- YiShenTong Detailed

    YiShenTong -- One Body Flowing

    These 16 exercises begin with practice of settling and adjusting into the fundamental Central Posture. Then a series that incorporates stretching, breathing and balance. The final exercise comes full circle practicing deep breathing and the Central Posture to complete merging the body with Qi flowing around it.

  • YiShuiKong style QiGong -- QiDongBaFa

    QiDongBaFa -- The Eight Qi Movements

    The Eight Qi Movements involve the Sun, Moon, Earth, plants and animals. They align your body with nature's Qi.

  • YiShuiKong style QiGong -- YiShenTong

    YiShenTong -- Opening the Whole Body for Qi to Pass Through

    These are 16 stretching and breathing exercises, including settling and adjusting into home posture, stretching the core and other muscle groups, and deep breathing. They merge oneself with Qi.