YiShenTong -- Opening the Whole Body for Qi to Pass Through

YiShuiKong style QiGong by Teacher Lin Yang

These 16 stretching exercises are called

一身通 (yi shen tong / いっしんつう / Opening the Whole Body for Qi to Pass Through).

They begin after a brief warm-up with the fundamentals of settling and adjusting into the home posture. Then a series of stretching and breathing exercises enable Qi to flow more easily into and throughout your body. The final exercise practices deep breathing to complete merging the Qi around you into your body.


  • Always start with left (left/right refers to stretched muscle or side moved or side weighted)
  • Inhale as extend, exhale as return to basic posture
  • For stretches unless otherwise noted, count of 8 with exhale & hold after 8th count
  • Continuously re-adjust to seek proper home posture 站立姿势(zhan li zi shi)

Brief Warmup

  1. Overhead arm swings 8x left, 8x right
  2. Open hip (left, right), dip shoulder look up other side
  3. Rear hamstring & calf left, right
  4. Lunge quad left, right
  5. Inner hamstring and hip left, right
  6. Twist upper left, right
  7. Jumping bean 8x

Stretching and Breathing Exercises

A full sequence of all 16 exercises performed in order takes about 25 minutes.
For a compact version, do numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.

  1. Basic posture 站立姿势(zhan li zi shi) with hands on hips -- settle and adjust
  2. Neck
    1. 2x front
    2. 2x back
    3. 2x left side
    4. 2x right side
    5. 2x around left
    6. 2x around right
    7. 2x (left, right) partial rotate
    8. 2x (left, right) full rotate
  3. Twist waist 2x (left, right), feet grip & knees stationary
  4. Nose and sinus
    1. massage 6x
    2. twisting lift elbow 2x (left, right)
  5. Shoulder
    1. 3x front
    2. 3x back
    3. 3x raise and drop
  6. Core stretch
    1. overhead 3x
    2. waist bends 3x (left, right)
    3. back neck extend 3x
    4. front floor touch 3x
  7. Twist stretch ball circle 2x left, 2x right
  8. Inside thigh stretch count 8 and hold (left, right)
  9. Achilles Stretch count 8 and hold (left, right)
  10. Knee squat
    1. forward 2x
    2. left 2x
    3. right 2x
    4. open 2x
    5. close 2x
  11. Ankle rotate
    1. Outside 8x left, 8x right
    2. Inside 8x left, 8x right
    3. Outside with wrists 8x left, 8x right
    4. Inside with wrists 8x left, 8x right
  12. Arm raise / lower twist (center, left, right)
    1. Fingers wiggle
    2. Wrist shake
  13. Snap elbow back, arms big circle back, step forward with stretch up 2x (left, right)
  14. Twist and shoulder slap 16x, feet grip & knees stationary
  15. Arms throw while balancing weight on one foot 8x left, 8x right (arms start from weighted foot side)
  16. Deep breathe 站立姿势(zhan li zi shi) 3x olive, 3x hands Dantian (M right hand outside, F left outside)

More Info

See www.zZense.com/knowledge/qigong for this and other articles about Yi Shui Kong style Qi Gong. And, see Teacher Lin Yang's Qi Gong Japanese language website.
