ZZense Anthropic Technology

Physical technology exploded during the last century -- automobiles and airplanes to isotopes and iPhones -- and yet, are we as human beings more content? Feeling a life of worth? Fulfilled? Or is life not filled, but cluttered with things, and seeming to have no purpose or direction? Can we change languishing and floundering to Flourishing? Does it require changing the world order, the government, the "system"? Or is it easier than that -- easily within our grasp -- within ourselves?

Introducing zZense, a technology. Not a physical technology about things but rather

The Goal -- to Flourish

Most of us sense generally what Flourishing is about -- living a full life and enjoying well-being. ZZense Technology uses the word "Flourish" to stand for our Goal in life. It's key to clarify our vision into the elements that make up Flourishing so we can steer a clear course toward them. Otherwise we wander through life. We hope that at the end, when we look back, we've encountered the right elements on our wandering and like where we've been. We leave it to chance, and research shows the chances are not so good as we might like.

For example,

Toolkit for Flourishing

The second part of zZense Technology is developing familiarity with the toolkit by which each of us can build more of the PERMA-V elements of Flourishing in our lives.

Propagating zZense

The third and final part of zZense Technology is a personal mission, and the techniques, for propagating it to others. We pay it forward and help others to Flourish.