Something Stirred on Number Sixteen

It was predawn. I faced east looking across the pasture toward the still snow-capped mountains. A fresh-mowed scent enveloped me.

As was my habit, I was beginning the day practicing YiShuiKong QiGong. The stirring came during the last exercises of YiShenTong, whose purpose is opening the body for merging with the flow of Qi. A cool light rain had begun to fall and air was laden with its soft moistness. The sun was soon to rise though still hidden behind the mountains. Its light formed a spreading glowing fan emerging from the valley cut between the peaks. Behind me a rainbow stood against the dark clouds.

I felt the something stirring during the deep breathing exercise, number sixteen. It was while I imagined Qi as a transparent ripple in space time gliding down from the lofty peaks. Across the billions of blades of pasture grass. Entering the portals in the souls of my feet. Up to the tip of my head. Coursing down my arms into my DanTien. Not imagined, the stirring warmed my DanTien. Its energy was friendly. The warmth was felt.
