Flourish - Seligman (2012)

A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being

Flourishing, that is, human well-being, is the goal of zZense Technology. But, what exactly is Flourishing? Being happy and feeling good? Surely its more -- a steady diet of sex and drugs could give that state of mind. Understanding the components of Flourishing, the specific aspects of life that most contribute to Flourishing, is a key theme of Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being. Based on this understanding, the author paints a relentlessly optimistic picture of how we humans can then use the tools of Positive Psychology to increase our Flourishing.

From antiquity to the present day, many thinkers have taken a stab at understanding Flourishing and it's close relative "the meaning of life". Author Martin Seligman PhD brings to bear a prestigious career as a leader of the field of Psychology and founder of the sub-field Positive Psychology. Importantly, he mixes a good dose of common sense to apply research findings to solving practical challenges of life. Through years of research and teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, his Positive Psychology program has created literally thousands of practitioners and real-world impact.

By the way, Positive Psychology is not simply saying "I can do it". Rather it is understanding the importance of character strengths, the Centric Skills of zZense Technology, and evidence-based ways to build those skills, to move our lives forward in a positive direction. That is, to Flourish.

In this book, Seligman expands from his earlier focus on happiness to identify five principal components of Flourishing under the acronym PERMA.

  • Positive Emotion (happiness and more)
  • Engagement (being "in the flow", fully engaged in one's pursuits)
  • Relationships (that are positive and nurturing)
  • Meaning (being part of something larger than oneself)
  • Achievement (sometimes just for it's own sake, without other reward)

The book's 300+ pages then highlight a surprising breadth of initiatives already under way, from early education to the Army, to employ Positive Psychology techniques more widely. It gives strong personal acknowledgments to colleagues, students, and events that have shaped Positive Psychology. Interesting chapters conclude discussing the impact on biological health, and at a global level the impact on politics and economics.

Certainly, Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being expresses many of the foundations of zZense Technology as a way to move the world forward.


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